The Polytechnic, Ibadan has a network of Libraries with the headquarters at the Main Campus. The main library at the North Campus is situated just after the Rectory and before Bursary. The others are the south Campus Library that serves the Faculty of Engineering. An ultra-modern Library funded by the Education Tax Fund (ETF), has just been completed. It is located at the "Middle Belt" i,e, a conspicuous and vast area of land along the road located between the North and South Campuses. The library has seating capacity for reading to the tune of about 2,000 users.
The Polytechnic Library has a centralized administrative system. This means that all activities are coordinated from the Main Library under the headship of the Chief Librarian and supported by a Deputy Chief Librarian and Unit heads. The Polytechnic Library system at the Main Campus has a seating capacity of 292 readers, In addition, there are three reading rooms in both the North and South Campuses that have a seating capacity of about 527 additional readers. Altogether Polytechnic Library on the Main Campus has a total of 819 reading spaces. The current book stock stands at about 79,500 volumes. The Library also subscribes to about 200 journal titles. This is in addition to a sizeable number of magazines, newsmagazines, newsletters and both foreign and local newspapers. The Library uses the Universal Decimal classification system.
There is an Audio Visual Centre that has varieties of hardwares like the film and slide projectors, microfilm reader etc. and the accompanying materials like films, film strips, slides, transparencies and other instructional materials. The centre carries out a lot of reprographic and listening and viewing room. There is also a Printing Unit established to undertake printing jobs for the Library, the departments and the Institution. In 2004, the Library computerized its operational activities using the Xlib library software. Departmental expertise also exists in the following areas:
1. Record and Information Management2. Preparation of Bibliographies for Researchers
3. Indexing and Abstracting of Documents
4. Teaching the writing of Dissertation
5. Production of Identity Cards
6. Directory Compilation Editing and Translation Services
7. Film Show