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Welcome to the Industrial Liaison & Placement Office (ILPO) - Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)

The Industrial Liaison and Placement Office is part of the Polytechnic and has been established even before industrial attachment become an integral part of the students training in Polytechnic and Colleges & Colleges & Technology. The Office renders services in two major areas Academic and students support services. These two services are broadly classified into two areas, i.e. Liaison activities and the placement activities. However, a third Guidance and Counseling has been added to the services in view of the growing need to assist students in making a choice of career from the myriad of opportunities available to them.

Liaison Activities

The major objective of this activity is to facilitate co-operation between industries and the Polytechnic and the community in general by contacting industries, statutory bodies, institutions and other relevant bodies. The co-operation is facilitated by means of personal contacts and publications, bulletins and information pamphlet on institutional facilities and the possibilities and arrangements for their use. Among others, the office also has the following important operational liaison objectives.

1. To convince industry that there is a margin of benefit over cost in this type of relationship.
2. To assist in coordinating decentralized arrangement in the teaching departments and thus ensure adequate and appropriate supply of manpower to the nation.
3. To evolve adequate information that can assist the institution in its staff training and development programme.

Placement Services

Placement is generally concerned with securing practical training places for students as an integral part of their training in the institution. Assistance is also rendered to students for post graduate employment by arranging for on-the-campus interviews by various employers. Other objectives of the placement services are:

1. To establish cordial relationship on behalf of the Polytechnic Ibadan with the employing public.
2. To assist students in implementing their choices of careers and invent and explore all avenues to establish means of dialogue between the employers and the institution.
3. To assist students with respect to the technique of job hunting for post graduate employment.

Guidance/Counseling Services

As a new service just embarked upon, the guidance and counseling services is gradually taking shape. The major objective of introducing the service is to assist students in adjusting to their courses of study and the choice of occupational career after graduation. Other Objectives of the services are:

1. To assist the students to identify themselves with the objectives of the institution in which they find themselves with a view to enabling them derive satisfaction from their college experience.
2. To create an environment in which students can face and explore their own feelings without fear, learn how to cope more effectively with decision-making, and examine their values and objectives within the overall value systems of the society.
3. To assist students in making occupational choice that they could find rewarding and self-fulfilling, and which will coincide with the manpower needs of the country in its march toward industrial development and technological sufficiency.

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