The Polytechnic, Ibadan came into being as the successor of the Technical College, Ibadan. The Governing Council came in with the establishment of The Polytechnic, Ibadan in 1971. The Governing Council hitherto known and referred to as the Governing Board was inaugurated on Friday, August 6, 1971 by the then Military Governor of Western State, Col. C. Oluwole Rotimi. The 15-member Governing Board headed by Professor Ayo Ogunsheye held its inaugural meeting in the State Executive Chambers shortly after the inaugural ceremony. The Board which swung into action at the meeting set the following tasks for itself:
(i) Exploring all possible avenues with a view to finding a first class Principal for The Polytechnic, Ibadan;
(ii) Ensuring that the constitution has first-rate teaching and non-teaching staff;
(iii) Putting in place machinery designed to ensure steady supply of qualified students;
(iv) Making it possible for the Institution to be equipped with up-to-date equipment; and
(v) Serving as an effective link between the Institution on one hand and the State Government with the public on the other.
Members of the Council who were men of experience and being pioneering members, made efforts in a way that helped tremendously to lay the foundation for the current enviable position of the Institution among its peers. As the highest organ of the Institution, the Council took some far-reaching decisions among which was the appointment of qualified personnel into some key positions. Such key positions are now referred to as principal post. As at the time, the key positions were: The Principal, the Secretary, the Accountant and the Librarian. To facilitate their duties, the Board constituted some committees to work on the following subject matters:
(i) Standing orders of The Polytechnic Governing Council;
(ii) Advertising for the appointment of the Principal;
(iii) Negotiation with the University of Ife on the transfer of the physical facilities at the Ibadan Campus of the University to the Institution;
(iv) Budget for The Polytechnic; and
(v) Search party for candidates for the post of Principal.