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Welcome to the Vocational Skills & Entrepreneurial Study Centre

Vocational Skill and Entrepreneurship was established in 2009. The center is headed by a Director and assisted by Deputy Director and other three units namely: Administrative Unit, Accounting Unit and Audit Section.

The major objectives of the centre are to provide trainees (students) an opportunity to acquire functional skills, desired work habit that will enable them to be self-reliant, self-employed and productive member of the community and society. The target trainees are:

(i) all Polytechnic students who must learn and master one trade before graduation and
(ii) other youths, civil servants and retirees outside the school.

The vision of the center is to develop skills which facilitate professional and technical progress of every individual in his/her professional calling or career. Also, to enhance the job skills of all graduate the institution as a means of self-reliant, self-employed and productive members of the society.

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